All images Copyright Dave Simpson Photography Ltd

Author Archives: dave

25 Mar 2017

Prime Minister Bill English

In these days of heightened security it’s a delight to see turn a corner and find the Prime Minister of New Zealand just having a chat with someone by the waterfront, happily shaking hands with passers by and posing for selfies! I took the opportunity to grab a few shots of my own too. Here they are!

25 Mar 2017

Deadpool Cosplay – Auckland

I had a fun time recently photoing Lachie in his guise as Deadpool down in Auckland’s Wynyward Quarter. It was interesting to see how people reacted to this crazy character playing up to his Deadpool persona. Lots of smiles on lots of faces 🙂 Here are some of my favourite photos from the session.  Check out his facebook page here and give me a shout if you’d like to do a cosplay photoshoot !

20 Mar 2017

Midge Ure live in Auckland, New Zealand

I got to photo the amazing, legendary Midge Ure of Ultravox, Visage etc as well as solo fame for UnderTheRadar (click here for the UTR gallery).  Support was from India Electric Co (more photos here) who also accompanied Midge for his set. It really was a lovely night, and the songs work so well stripped back.  And the lighting was superb. Such a treat to be able to be able to make some photos of the night! link:

20 Mar 2017

India Electric Co live in Auckland, New Zealand

India Electric Co were the support band for Midge Ure last Friday. They were also part of Midge’s band (see here for more pictures).   They are from Devon in the UK and it was nice to hear some accents from the old world. If you get a chance to see these two chaps live, then make sure you do.  Two incredible musicians playing lovely tunes to an appreciative audience.  Exactly what was needed to set the tone for the evening! link: […]

02 Mar 2017

Sal Valentine & The Babyshakes live at Myers Park

I’ve seen Sal Valentine & The Babyshakes a few times now and they never disappoint (see my shots from the Kings Arms last year here).  Lots of musicians on the stage, excellent tunes, excellent lyrics, lots of people dancing, smiling and enjoying themselves.  Perfect for a sunny Sunday afternoon in downtown Auckland! link:

02 Mar 2017

Esther Stephens & The Means

Esther Stephens & The Means at the Myers Park Medley on the 26th February 2017.  I’d not heard Esther before but really enjoyed it.  Quite a small band just  drums, 5 string bass and a keyboard player, plus the vocal talents of Esther of course made for a massive sound.  Great stuff.  And they all seemed like jolly nice people too 🙂 link:

02 Mar 2017

Kong Fooey

Kong Fooey live at the Myers Medley festival 26 February 2017.  I arrived at the festival just as these guys were ending their set.  Shame as i would have liked to have heard a bit more! link:

23 Feb 2017


If you like your music avantgarde, quirky, uplifting and frankly bizarre then you need to check out Hikashu.   They are a Japanese band which have been going for 40 years and looked like they were enjoying every minute of it.  So much vocal dexterity and musical excellence. If you get a chance, go and see them.  or check out some of their videos on youtube or in the clip below. Keep scrolling down for colour versions of these pictures and […]

19 Feb 2017

Simple Minds

Simple Minds supported The B52s in their co-headling tour of Australia and New Zealand.  I knew of Simple Minds from years ago and knew a few of their more well known songs.  I always like to listen to a band’s songs before photoing them and i have to say i was pleasantly surprised by the power rock of the first few songs of their set. Live they were excellent.  Lots of running around the stage and all the musicians active and engaging with […]

18 Feb 2017

The B52s

The B52s played at Auckland’s Vector Arena with Simple Minds on the 14th Feburary 2017. I was fortunate enough to be there to take photos for UnderTheRadar. The night was a special event for The B52s who were celebrating 40 years since they released their single that very night. The band are one of my all time favourites with their first album still sounding as good today as it did when i first heard it (a few years after it […]