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All images Copyright Dave Simpson Photography Ltd

Author Archives: dave

25 Jul 2015
Wellington Sun Halo

Street Photography – Wellington

I had a few days down in Wellington this week for a work conference which was good.  I didn’t really get much time for photoing, but managed to grab a few shots with my compact camera before heading back to the airport on Friday.

13 Jun 2015

Identity Slip, Fuser and Mojo Crow

i had the privilege of taking some shots at a gig in a small pub last weekend. i enjoyed the music as well as the challenge of taking photos in the dark corner where the bands were playing. i took nearly 900 photos and the editing took about as long as the concert itself! the three bands were quite different so i edited each set in different styles, with two of them mostly black and white and the main band mostly colour you can see the final images […]

03 Jun 2015

Dawn Chorus cover image

A picture I took of a Gecko with a fly on its head has made it on to the cover of the supporters magazine for Tiritiri Matangi island.  The island is a wildlife sanctuary and well worth a visit if you are ever in Auckland.  It’s a full day out starting and ending with a ferry trip from the mainland. The gecko photo itself was taken over on the west coast of Auckland at the Arataki Visitors centre in our local rainforest a few […]

05 May 2015

Learning Lightroom

Lightroom is a totally amazing piece of software, but it can often seem rather tricky for new users.   BUT if you persevere you’ll find it’ll take your photography to another level (and make editing loads of photos in one go a snap). There are some great resources online to help you get started.  Whether you learn from books or videos, there something for you.  And plenty more to take you to the next level.    Here’s a list i’ve put together of places […]

25 Apr 2015

Street Photography – The Sharpener

I saw this guy in a Saturday market in the gorgeous little village of Matakana north of Auckland.  i walked past him a couple of times before i plucked up enough courage to talk to him.  i could have tried a sneaky shot of him from a distance, but i thought it would be a better image if i could get up close to him.   Also there were a few cars parked behind him so i needed to be slightly lower so they would […]

05 Mar 2015


This fishing point at Muriwai beach is notoriously dangerous, especially as the tide is coming in.  these guys got a wetting and made a hasty retreat before it got really dangerous.  i hope their fish were worth it!

22 Nov 2014

North Shore Photography Club 60th Anniversary

It’s been a busy few months photographically.  i’ve been privileged enough to have images in two recent exhibitions at the Mairangi Bay Arts Centre.   And one of my images appeared on the poster.   I was really proud of that!

28 Jun 2014
Barely There

North Shore Salon

I entered a few photos in to this year’s North Shore Salon.  This is one of the most popular and prestigous photo competitions in New Zealand so i was delighted to get four awards – one honours, one highly commended and two accetances. You can see all the results on the North Shore Salon website here.  It’s well worth looking at the galleries to see some amazing images! Here are my winners: Barely There: Honours Summer on the Pier: Highly Commended Photobombing: Acceptance […]

08 Jun 2014


i went on a photowalk with a few friends on Thursday night. it’s great going out with other photographers and seeing how they see the world. i my new lensbaby to do some experimenting. we all came up with quite different images. you can see the full set here  

31 May 2014

Street Photography – The Same Every Day

I love my walk to work.  i deliberately stay on the bus 2 stops so i can walk back along the waterfront to work. i usually do this walk at around 7am.  in summer it’s light and in winter it’s dark.  So, if i time it right, i get to enjoy a range of different scenes as the year goes round. right now, it’s winter in New Zealand and our shortest day will arrive in just a few weeks time.  which means […]