Tiritiri Matangi Supporters Magazine
My images have appeared in various magazines, newspapers and even on television (including the Graham Norton show!)
I’m proud to have worked with Janine Irvine on the pictures for her delightful children’s book ‘A Special Adventure For Hugo Hugs‘. Available in hard back, soft back and ebook format
Concert Photography:
I shoot live gigs for a variety of publications including Wire Image/ Getty Images. My images regularly feature in newspapers and magazines around the world
Winter 2015: Exhibited street photography images as part of the Boundary Pushers collective in the Mairangi Bay Arts Centre
November 2015 to January 2016: Portrait Of Auckland: Connections 2015
Five images accepted in to the 1st Balkan International Exhibition including one image which received a Photographic Society of America Honorable Mention.
My pictures regularly appear in different publications. Here are a few recent ones :
Stuff: Auckland City Limiits music festival
Huffington Post: Robbie Williams
NewZealand: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern